Leadership Myth 2: Leadership is a Position
Individuals at any level of an organization or in any role can exhibit leadership qualities and make a significant impact on an organization’s ability to achieve its goals and provide motivation to others. This is where the ability to appropriately engage people and an investment in learning and development pays off, characteristics of a healthy and productive workplace culture.
Leadership Myth: Leaders are Born
There is a popular and pervasive myth that leaders are born when, in fact, leadership is a set of skills that can be learned and developed.
Where are all the Inspired Spaces
Inspired spaces – and people – are everywhere. We just need to be on the lookout for them. And, we can create inspired spaces and be inspiring ourselves.
The Importance and Power of Presence in Hosting and Facilitating
Being present when leading, hosting or facilitating is key to accessing all of your own wisdom, experience, knowledge and powers of observation.
Art of Participatory Leadership. Conversations or Results?
Is the Art of Participatory Leadership (AoPL), also known as the Art of Hosting Conversations that Matter (AoH), just about talking, about conversations? Is it theoretical or practical? What about actions? What about results and deliverables? These are all questions we have been asked. Sometimes, with a need to justify training dollars, whether they come
Worldview Shifts-Transformations-Alignments
Very early on in our work with worldviews we discovered their transformative abilities through the conversations people engaged in, equipped with a new language that allowed for taking a step back and entering conversations through a different orientation or vantage point. The simple invitation has always been, “Perhaps you can expand your worldview just enough