Why a Healthy Workplace Culture Is a Strategic Investment
Strategic choices about the workplace and embracing a diversity of worldviews can begin at any time and is a gamechanger when it comes to recruitment and retention.
Addressing Leadership Myths
There are several ways to debunk leadership myths. By promoting any or all of these strategies, your organization can challenge the various leadership myths to be able to foster more inclusive, adaptable, and effective approaches to leadership that consider the complexity and diversity of leadership contexts, ensuring your workplace culture supports and advances an effective leadership culture.
Leadership Myth 4: Leaders are Authoritarian and Avoid Conflict
Effective leaders understand that constructive conflict can be beneficial for the growth of individuals, teams and the organization overall. They recognize that conflict can be an essential contributor to creativity and innovation. Having the skills and knowledge to manage and resolve conflict in a healthy manner is a skill leaders must acquire. Leaders who are Worldview Intelligent and bring inspiration, collaboration and the ability to work with conflict constructively build a performance oriented, healthy workplace culture, fuelled by trust and relationship, that attracts and retains the top talent.
Leadership Myth 2: Leadership is a Position
Individuals at any level of an organization or in any role can exhibit leadership qualities and make a significant impact on an organization’s ability to achieve its goals and provide motivation to others. This is where the ability to appropriately engage people and an investment in learning and development pays off, characteristics of a healthy and productive workplace culture.
Be Strategic About Workplace Culture – It’s a Sound Investment
In most organizations, company and team culture forms organically rather than intentionally. It often carries forward historical worldviews, deep-seated patterns, and even trauma, within the company. This means that counter-productive behaviors and actions can take root and be amplified by the stories that people tell about their experiences with their managers, supervisors or direct reports,
Leadership Myth: Leaders are Born
There is a popular and pervasive myth that leaders are born when, in fact, leadership is a set of skills that can be learned and developed.