Worldview Shifts-Transformations-Alignments
Very early on in our work with worldviews we discovered their transformative abilities through the conversations people engaged in, equipped with a new language that allowed for taking a step back and entering conversations through a different orientation or vantage point. The simple invitation has always been, “Perhaps you can expand your worldview just enough to allow for the idea that someone else might see and experience the world differently than you.” This has been enough to open worldview explorations, find connecting points and bridge differences…. And it has been so much more than that.
In working with a client recently, we were asked to identify why there is transformative impact in worldview explorations and how Worldview Intelligence also supports and amplifies other strategies, methodologies or approaches our clients might be using. We all have worldviews, individually and collectively. Very few people or organizations know how to make those worldviews visible to be able to deliberately work with aspects of them. This is where Worldview Intelligence and the Six Dimensions Framework comes in. Through the Six Dimensions, we are able to explore Historical influences on currently Reality. History is not often given due consideration when attempting to shift worldviews or workplace cultures. This contributes to hidden dynamics that have an influence on communication, relationships and tension or conflict. Simply identifying these influences can nullify or minimize them and offers the ability to choose what historical influences can support the desired Future.
Once the desired Future has been articulated, the gaps between Reality and Future can be identified, Values affirmed or newly defined, Practices needed to live into the Future named and implemented and relevant sources of Knowledge needed to support this Future identified. All of this contributes to Worldview Shifts, and there is more.
What’s Involved in Worldview Shifts
Worldview Intelligence provides new knowledge about worldviews, the Worldview Intelligence Six Dimensions Framework and the role brain and behavioural science plays in relation to worldviews, worldview attachments, improving communication and strategy, leading change and more. Knowledge includes a new shared language, emerging from an understanding of what worldviews are, how they are formed and why it matters.
Over the course of the last decade, we have created frameworks and models that allow our clients to implement Worldview Intelligence Strategies in service of their vision and identified goals and outcomes. This leads to the evolution of new patterns and practices that supports the work our clients do.
When Worldview Shifts do occur, with new patterns and behaviours, they will only be sustainable when existing structures, policies and processes are examined and then updated to support new patterns and behaviours. Using the Iceberg from Systems Thinking as an analytical tool illuminates what is needed to sustain new behaviours, including the ability to engage the conversations that are necessary to embed them in organizational culture.
Aligning with and Supporting other Methodologies
As we brought Worldview Intelligence to our clients, we repeatedly heard people thoughtfully express how they could see that Worldview Intelligence, and an understanding of worldviews and the Six Dimensions Framework, improved their skill, understanding and capability with other methodologies that were also available in their organization. It deepened their understanding of more factors at play in communication, including challenging conversations; planning; internal or external engagement; team and leadership development and leading change.
We often think of Worldview Intelligence as being part of a family of methods, practices, processes and frameworks, including those offered through the Art of Hosting Conversations that Matter, otherwise known as the Art of Participatory Leadership. This includes Appreciative Inquiry, Crucial Conversations, World Café, Open Space and other planning methodologies. When methodologies and approaches work together, it amplifies the impact of all of them.
Communication, Trust and Relationship Building
What do all aligned and supportive methodologies have in common? The need for Strategic Communication and Planning and for Trust and Relationship Building, which is a particular focus and outcome of Worldview Intelligence.*
Our point is always that an investment in Worldview Intelligence is not in competition with other investments in processes or methodologies, but complimentary, enabling our clients to get the most out of all of the resources at their disposal.
*Our book, Building Trust and Relationship at the Speed of Change, illustrates how an understanding of Worldview Intelligence and the Six Dimensions Framework can improve communication, relationship building, planning and healthy team performance. We share stories throughout the book about what that looks like in practical application.