The Practical Format and Transformative Power of the 4-Day Worldview Intelligence Practitioner’s Training
As we began our four-day Worldview Intelligence Practitioner’s Training at the end of November 2022 in Paris France, Nancy welcomed people by saying, “Remember this beginning. There will always be a before and there will always be an after.” Given what transpired in those four days, it was a prescient beginning.

Our team – Kathy Jourdain, Jerry Nagel, Nancy Bragard and Stéphan Krajcik – invested months in inviting people, identifying outcomes and content, and designing for results. We had a number of objectives we were designing to. They included:
– Providing activities for people to experience their own worldviews in action
-Providing content essential to know and work with the language of worldviews, the Worldview Intelligence Six Dimensions Framework, Neuro and Behavioral Science and the planning frameworks
-Inviting participants to bring an Applied Learning Project (ALP) from their own experiences for integrating what they were learning in a practical, relevant way
-Identification of Learning Partners (LP) to work with on their ALPs to deepen understanding and the ability to apply what was being learned
-Sufficient planning time for the Learning Partners to walk away with actionable plans for their ALPs – with the amount of planning time increasing each day
– The opportunity to role play actual client scenarios from both the client and consultant perspectives
We planned for the practical and we hosted for the magical. As has been noted before in previous programs and since Worldview Intelligence was launched into the world with its own life force, the personal worldview exploration is foundational for everything else. As we wound up our last day, when participants presented on their ALPs, it was deeply affirming to hear so many speak about the personal journey that accompanied the practical application. Many spoke about their new awareness of the impact of worldviews and of understanding worldviews. They said it changes the way they interact with others, the world around them and within themselves. It invites reflections on their own contributions to relationships, strengthens communication and emphasizes the power of listening.
The variety of ALPs was inspiring, from working within companies, to community development, to client application and more. The immediacy of application was as early as the day after the training ended to a few weeks or a few months afterwards. The transformation of how people viewed their projects was exciting. Some recognized the need to scale back their projects to create a foundation that will allow for greater momentum and engagement over time. Some recognized the need for partners and some could see clearly the specific next steps for success.
The aha’s and insights that were revealed on a daily basis were heartening for our hosting team. Everything from “I’ve got what I came for!” on Day 2 to, “I now see this is not as complex as I had imagined.” to “All the structures, templates and additional information are useful. And, I understand I can take what I need to support the work I have identified. It doesn’t have to include everything all the time. A different project or phase of a project might involve different elements.” To a deep appreciation for the perspectives Learning Partners brought to the ALP discussions.
The training accomplished everything we hoped and more. We have already had a conversation with one participant about how to incorporate Worldview Intelligence into a client proposal they are creating. The connections between people, many who already knew each other, were strengthened and the desire to stay connected is strong. Jerry and Kathy will be back in France at the end of January 2023 and a meet-up has already been scheduled to check-in, to hear progress on working with the ideas, concepts, practices and models of Worldview Intelligence and to discuss how this group becomes a Community of Practice that will continue to welcome in new Practitioners.
When will the next Worldview Intelligence Practitioner’s Training be? Stay tuned. We have colleagues in many parts of the world who are interested. Now that we have had this experience, we may also be imagining how to do this online for areas where this could be a benefit but travel does not make sense. Whatever is next, there was a before and there is an after and the Worldview Intelligence evolution will continue to be influenced by what happened in Paris.
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