The Worldview Intelligence Six Dimension Framework
The Worldview Intelligence Six Dimensions Framework is a game changer and a powerful way of understanding worldviews and worldview differences.
Worldviews: What They Are and Why They Matter
Developing competency in Worldview Intelligence and the skill to work with worldviews in all domains can be a game changer and, for an organization, a competitive advantage.
The Problem With the Moral High Ground (Part 1)
Our conversations and musings have led us to consider a new possibility. What if there is another space, as Rumi wrote, out beyond you and me that does not ask either of us to compromise our personal integrity but can lift us all up to discover new views and unexpected ways to bridge the divides in expansive rather than contractive ways?
This is the curiosity. This is the invitation we want to make. It will be hard to do because it requires personal examination and illuminating hard truths. There will be many not interested in this invitation. Our hope is that there are many more who will be so together we can build the capacity to seek and find new possibilities for dialogue and ways to be together better.
Do We, As White People, Have Inclusion and How To Go About It All Wrong? Part 1
What if how we have been thinking about inclusion is all wrong? What if how we have been trying to do inclusion is more like a system of assimilation than the welcoming of diversity? Who is doing the including? Who is being offered inclusion? Inclusion into what and why?