In-Person Social Connectedness Matters – It Impacts Brain Health
Short-term employee efficiencies and cost savings could result in the longer-term in decreased problem-solving and judgment skills. It could lead to poorer relationships or an inability to establish relationships. We could have less ability to manage amygdala hijacks.
Disorientation and Presence in the Midst of Covid-19
There is such a sense of disorientation in the air as this pandemic affects the world in a way humanity has never experienced on this global scale before. This will impact both collective and individual worldviews in ways we will only fully become aware of upon the extensive reflection we know will take place in the coming months, years and decades.
Ability, Disability or Differently-Abled? What’s Your Worldview?
We are more and more likely to encounter people who are different from us in some way. It could be physical, sexual orientation, gender, skin color, political or cultural. Or it could be with respect to what many consider ability or disability, or what we might call differently-abled. Each of us, when we meet a
A Simple Strategy to Amp Up Team Performance
How do you amp up team performance? By creating a meeting structure that consistently changes the quality and power of team meetings and therefore team performance. In November 2018, three people from one of our larger clients, Sanford Health, came to one of the two-day Art of Hosting Intensives we have created. These two-day intensives
Alignment Between Traditional Lakota Conversation Practices and Art of Hosting
Recently I (Jerry) co-hosted an Art of Hosting (AoH) training at Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa with LeMoine LaPointe. LeMoine is an elder from the Lakota Nation at Rosebud. Turtle Mountain Nation residents are mainly Ojibwa or Meti. LeMoine is a good friend and wise leader. He is an active practitioner of the Art of
50 Years Ago Still Impacting Worldviews Today
Recently I attended a cabaret style program about the year 1966. It was a lot of fun and brought back memories of events and music. The program consisted of the performers moving back and forth between roles as news broadcasters talking about key events and singers of then popular songs. This all came to a