Do We, As White People, Have Inclusion and How To Go About It All Wrong? Part 1
What if how we have been thinking about inclusion is all wrong? What if how we have been trying to do inclusion is more like a system of assimilation than the welcoming of diversity? Who is doing the including? Who is being offered inclusion? Inclusion into what and why?
What it Takes to Shift Existing Patterns, Norms or Social Contracts (3 of 3)
No matter where we live, the degree of freedom people are claiming or are willing to exchange for societal wellbeing, protection from harm and societal order is an active debate in need of renegotiation and regeneration. What is a collective worldview that could emerge that recognizes justice and equity for all, not just for a privileged few thanks to skin colour or wealth? How can more voices actively contribute to the shaping of a new future?
When Social Contracts No Longer Work (2 of 3)
There is an urgent need for new, constructive and explicit social contracts where leadership and law enforcement are held accountable for administering them fairly and justly. However, disrupting centuries of patterns and worldviews is not an easy thing to do. We have walked these paths before. It will take dedicated, intentional and sustained repatterning to put in place a new social contract that is explicit, accountable and just for all.
Social Contracts Are Blowing Up (1 of 3)
The social contracts that have provided guidance for individual and collective behaviour have been falling apart for a long time now, although it feels to some as if they are suddenly blowing up. Where do we stand? Where do you stand? What are the worldview perspectives that will help carry us through this time? Will this time of chamos destroy the structures and systems that have supported racism and injustice, allowing the new to arise from the ashes? How long will it take? What role will we each play?
In-Person Social Connectedness Matters – It Impacts Brain Health
Short-term employee efficiencies and cost savings could result in the longer-term in decreased problem-solving and judgment skills. It could lead to poorer relationships or an inability to establish relationships. We could have less ability to manage amygdala hijacks.
Interruption or Disruption? What Worldview Shifts Will Outlast Post Covid-19 Recovery?
Here we are, not knowing what we don’t know. We can begin to identify potential disruptions and start making preliminary responses to them. But caution may also be the byword as we sort out the difference between an interruption and a disruption.