We want it to be simple, direct and easily managed. It’s not.
There are clear practices and processes to effectively guide organizational change but because change leaders want it to go fast and are often far out in front of the change, key steps are often missed. Then change processes, which are already messy, get messier and often fail. Add to this, when you change something about your organization you are also changing something about the organization’s identity as well as the identity of the humans who work there. Understanding this can be a key factor in successful change. We help people understand the process of change, the scope of the work and the impact of organizational, departmental, and individual worldviews on a change process. Applying Worldview Intelligence to help expand perspectives increases successful change outcomes. We help you align the systems that support your identified outcomes.

How WVI Supported a Change in the Regulation of a Profession
A Provincial Barristers’ Society in Canada launched an initiative to change the way it regulates the profession of law in their province. They recognized this required a culture shift inside the organization as well as with key stakeholders to change the way they worked and the nature of the conversations. We were engaged to bring the innovative Worldview Intelligence approach to support their leading edge change initiative.
Two key challenges were breaking down silos to improve collaboration and increasing the ability to engage animated conversations inside and outside of the organization.
The Worldview Intelligence Six Dimensions Framework was used to depersonalize conversations, improve cross departmental collaboration and have more challenging conversations within their departments. The Governing Council recognized a need to change their own communication within the Council in order to change their external communication to constituents.