Times of Unrest, Polarity and Amplification of Difference
We live in complex times with increasing social unrest, fragmentation, polarization and a nastiness arising in the expression and defence of differing perspectives or worldviews – not always even whole worldviews but just slices of them. Our long standing organizations and institutions are failing us and the disturbances are making visible deeper patterns that have existed for a
Why the Personal Worldview Intelligence Exploration Matters
What is your worldview and how do you know? What information, beliefs, values, connections does your worldview filter in and filter out? How does it influence what you believe, what you value, what you care about, your relationships, your communication, your life style? Most people do not know the answers to these questions. Most people have never thought about them.
Worldview Intelligence Causes You to Think Differently
Tracey Jones-Grant was one of the first people to experience the Worldview Intelligence program a couple of years ago in Halifax and it has changed her. “You don’t just walk away from it and go ‘done with that, what’s next?’ It seeps into your skin and blossoms as you learn how to verbalize it.” The impact grows even stronger
The Impact of Worldview Intelligence Programming and Consulting
From the early days of offering a short explanation of worldview in the midst of other trainings, people were interested and engaged in the conversation. In this short video, Kathy Jourdain shares, “Even with a short introduction, Worldview Intelligence offered people an opportunity to be in the conversation differently. The invitation has always been to explore your own worldview first
Adaptability and Intuitiveness of the Worldview Intelligence Framework
There are two basic ways we offer Worldview Intelligence programs. One is through open enrolment programs that attract a wide variety of people coming from diverse places and situations and the co-learning is reach. The other is designing client specific programs to address questions or issues the client has identified. The Worldview Intelligence framework is not only academically rigorous as Jerry speaks
Silos, Communication Breakdown and “I Don’t Know What You Do”
It seems no matter what the size of the organization we work with, we typically hear these three complaints: “We work in silos.” “We don’t communicate well.” “I don’t know what you do.” This seems equally true of an organization that has 30 employees relatively co-located or 30,000 employees spread across many sites across a large